With the passing of Thanksgiving, Christmas has already begun to make its grand entrance. (Actually, supermarkets started carrying advent calendars well before November 25th.) These past few days have been spent enjoying a REAL winter with friends and chatting with friends and family back home (and also others studying abroad)! As I type this, it is currently 30 degrees Fahrenheit outside of my window - the warmest it has been all week! What I wouldn't do for some Bing Crosby and warm apple cider . . .
This past Sunday a few friends and I went to see Harry Potter (it was released in Paris one week after all English speaking countries) in FRENCH! This was the first movie that I saw in French that I hadn't already seen in English, but to tell you the truth, it wasn't hard at all to understand! One thing that I will note that I found rather hilarious, is that the French word for "wand" is "baguette" (like the bread)! Every time they said "baguette" I laughed to myself. Especially when Harry would ask Hermoine where his "baguette" was. After the movie we traversed les marchés de noël on the Champs-Elysée! The Christmas lights are so beautiful and there were several little stands with nick-nacks to buy! It was definitely a sight to see.
On Monday, my art history class met at the Louvre for the 3rd time. When, except in Paris, can you say that you have had art history at the Louvre? I still cannot get over how many different pieces are on display in the Louvre - and all EU students under 26 can get in for free, at any time!
Wednesday, I lived in a snowglobe. It started to snow right after lunch, and continued into the wee hours of the morning! Dustin, Emily, and I traversed the Luxembourg Garden after class to enjoy the beautiful blanket of white. That evening, Shelley, my program director planned for us to take a cooking class. We paired up to make different dishes (though some dishes we had to double up to feed all 10 of us) and spent time together as a family - eating, talking, and bonding!
Today, Thursday, has been a rather relaxing day. I washed my clothes, did a bit of homework, and spent time with friends. I have less than 20 days remaining in Paris and I cannot believe just how much I have learned, experienced, and grown in just 12 weeks. Though it may seem like all I have been doing here has been fun and games, the clock is really ticking to wrap up the semester. This means, that I have a paper due this Monday, a paper due this Tuesday, a test the following Monday, another test on Wednesday in two weeks, and a test on Friday (the 17th), my last day of school. And of course, other homework assignments sprinkled in between.
Well, I should probably get to work, so as always, I will leave you with photos! Enjoy!
December, already? |
Making our way through the marchés de noël |
Playing in the Luxembourg Garden |
REAL SNOWFLAKES!! in my hair |
learning how to be top chefs |
Shelley and I had matching aprons! |
Hello Kitty. . . she's everywhere! |
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